

The length of the moon’s umbra varies from 367,000 to 379,800 km (228,000 to 236,000 mi), and the distance between the earth and the moon varies from 357,300 to 407,100 km (222,000 to 253,000 mi). Total solar eclipses occur when the moon’s umbra reaches the earth. The diameter of the umbra is never greater than 268.7 km (167 mi) where it touches the surface of the earth, so that the area in which a total solar eclipse is visible is never wider than that and is usually considerably narrower. The width of the penumbra shadow, or the area of partial eclipse on the surface of the earth, is about 4828 km (about 3000 mi). At certain times when the moon passes between the earth and the sun, its shadow does not reach the earth. At such times an annular eclipse occurs in which an annulus or bright ring of the solar disk appears around the black disk of the moon.

The shadow of the moon moves across the surface of the earth in an easterly direction. Because the earth is also rotating eastward, the speed of the moon shadow across the earth is equal to the speed of the moon traveling along its orbit, minus the speed of the earth’s rotation. The speed of the shadow at the equator is about 1706 km/h (about 1060 mph); near the poles, where the speed of rotation is virtually zero, it is about 3380 km/h (about 2100 mph). The path of a total solar eclipse and the time of totality can be calculated from the size of the moon’s shadow and from its speed. The maximum duration of a total solar eclipse is about 7.5 minutes, but these are rare, occurring only once in several thousand years. A total eclipse is usually visible for about 3 minutes from a point in the center of the path of totality.

In areas outside the band swept by the moon’s umbra but within the penumbra, the sun is only partly obscured, and a partial eclipse occurs.

At the beginning of a total eclipse, the moon begins to move across the solar disk about 1 hour before totality. The illumination from the sun gradually decreases and during totality (and near totality) declines to the intensity of bright moonlight. This residual light is caused largely by the sun’s corona, the outermost part of the sun’s atmosphere. As the surface of the sun narrows to a thin crescent, the corona becomes visible. At the moment before the eclipse becomes total, brilliant points of light, called Baily’s beads, flash out in a crescent shape. These points are caused by the sun shining through valleys and irregularities on the lunar surface. Baily’s beads are also visible at the instant when totality is ending, called emersion. Just before, just after, and sometimes during totality, narrow bands of moving shadows can be seen. These shadow bands are not fully understood but are thought to be caused by irregular refraction of light in the atmosphere of the earth. Before and after totality, an observer located on a hill or in an airplane can see the moon’s shadow traveling eastward across the earth’s surface like a swiftly moving cloud shadow.


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